
Expressjs Tutorial

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How to install nodemon?

Nodemon Installation

how to use nodemon to run nodexpress app
To use Nodemon to run your Node.jsExpress app, follow these steps:

Install Nodemon: First, you need to install Nodemon globally or as a development dependency. You can do this using npm or yarn:

npm install -g nodemonĀ  # Global installation

npm install --save-dev nodemonĀ  # Local installation
Create a Script in package.json: Add a script to your package.json file to run your Express app with Nodemon:

"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon server.js"
Replace server.js with the name of your main Express file.

Run the Script: Use the following command to start your app:

npm start
Nodemon will watch for changes in your files and automatically restart the server when a change is detected.

Make Changes and Test: Now, whenever you make changes to your code, Nodemon will restart the server, and you can test the changes in your browser or API client.