Java Script

JavaScript Tutorial

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Classes in JavaScript

A JavaScript class must contain at least one constructor. A constructor is a special method which is used to allocate the memory to the object of that class. We can only define one constructor in the class not more than one

Method in the class

We can't define more than one same name method in the class of JavaScript.

Example of class with constructor taking no argument and method sum taking two arguments.

        <title>demo classes</title>
        class MathsDemo 
              document.write("Constructor without parameters<br>");
           sum(n1,n2) {
                document.write("The sum is "+this.res);

        }//end of class

        mt=new MathsDemo(); //creating class object
        mt.sum(10,20); //calling method sum
        mt.display(); //calling method display


The program above will display :

Constructor without parameters
The sum is 30


Example of class using parameterised constructor

        <title>Classes in javascript</title>
        class MathsDemo
           sum() {
               document.write("The sum is "+this.res);

        }//end of class

        mt=new MathsDemo(10,20); //creating class object
        mt.sum(); //calling method sum
        mt.display();//calling method display


The program above will display :

The sum is 30

Static methods and properties in JavaScript

Static method and property is called without creating the object of the class. It can't be called with the object of the class. We can call static method and property directly by using class name of that method and property..

Example of static method and property

        <title>Static Methods and Properties in javascript</title>
        class StaticExample
              //required constructor
            static pi=3.14;
           static area_Of_Circle(radius)
             var area=this.pi*radius*radius;
             document.write("The area of circle is "+area);
        }//end of class
        st=new StaticExample();
        StaticExample.area_Of_Circle(10);//calling static method with class name


The program above will display :

The area of circle is 314

Inheritance in JavaScript

Example of inheritance in JavaScript

        <title>Inheritance in javascript</title>
        class MathsDemo 
            //required constructor
              document.write("The sum is "+this.res+"<br>");
                document.write("The subtraction is "+this.res+"<br>");
        }//end of class MathsDemo
        class AdMathsDemo extends MathsDemo

                 super(); //super is keyword and required to call 
              //required constructor
              document.write("The multiplication is "+this.res1+"<br>");

              document.write("The division is "+this.res1+"<br>");  

        }//end of class AdMathsDemo

        mt=new AdMathsDemo(); //creating class object
        mt.sum(10,20);        //calling method sum
        mt.subtract(20,10);   //calling method sub
        mt.multiply(10,20);   //calling method multiply
        mt.divide(20,10);     //calling method divide


The program above will display :

The sum is 30
The subtraction is 10
The multiplication is 200
The division is 2