Java Script

JavaScript Tutorial

Admission Enquiry Form

Print a message "you are teenager!!" when age is assigned to a variable is teenage using if statement.


<title>Print a message using if statement</title>

var num;

if(num>=13 && num<18)
document.write("You are teenager!!");

Print a message "you are teenager!!" in if statement using prompt() function.


<title>Print message according to age using if statement</title>

var num;
num=parseInt(prompt("Enter your age"));

if(num>=13 && num<18)
document.write("You are teenager!!");

Print a message "you are teenager!!" in if statement on Button click using function.


<title>Print message using function in if statement</title>
function age()
var num;
num=parseInt(prompt("Enter your age"));

if(num>=13 && num<18)
document.write("You are teenager!!");


<input type="button" value="click" onClick="age()">