Java Script

JavaScript Tutorial

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What is If statement in JavaScript?

If statement is conditional statement in JavaScript.It executes the 'if block' only when expression is true.

Syntax of If statement...

  //number of statements

Example of if statement:

<title>if statement</title>
var num=5;
document.write("Welcome to compuhelp");


Welcome to Compuhelp

In the above example, the value of num is 5 and when control check the if statement it will be true and give the above output.

Example of if statement Using prompt() function:

<title>if statement</title>
var num;
num=prompt("Enter a number ");
document.write("number is positive");


Enter a number 4
number is positive

In the above example, if the user enters 4 then the control will come inside If statement and give the above output else it will quit the If statement.