Java Script

JavaScript Tutorial

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Function with no argument and with return in JavaScript

When function does not take any value as an argument but return a value.

Syntax Function with no arguments and with return value

function functionName()
 //statements to be executed  
 //return statement;

Example of Function with no arguments and with return inside body tag:

<title>Function with no argument and with return</title>
function square()
var n=2,res;
return (res);
var ans;
document.write("Square is "+ans);


Square is 4

Example of Function with no arguments and with return on button click:

<title>Function with no argument and with return</title>
function wish() //defintion of function
var x="Welcome to Compuhelp";
return (x);
<h2>Click on Button to see the output</h2>
<input type="button" name="btn1" value="click" onClick="var res=wish(); alert(res);">


In the above example,when we click on the button it will give the output as 'Welcome to Compuhelp'.