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What is On-page SEO?

While on-page SEO refers to the factors you can control on your own website, off-page SEO refers to the page ranking factors that occur off your website, such as backlinks from another site. It also includes your promotion methods, taking into account the amount of exposure something gets on social media,

Factors of On-page SEO:


Keywords are ideas and topics that define what your content is about. In terms of SEO, they're the words that searchers enter into search engines. Now a days long-tail keywords are used.Think of your audience and the keywords they are searching for; then create and optimize your website content around those keywords.

Content Quality

Now a days "content is the king".Content SEO refers to creating content that helps your web pages to rank high in the search engines. Content quality includes using heading tags, fonts and relevant content.

Page Performance

While other factors of on-page SEO deal with content quality , the performance of your website (and its pages) also are on-page ranking factors. Pages that take a long time to load properly, rank lower in search engine result pages, as users get frustrated and leave. Search engines evaluate this and use it as a key page ranking factor, so it’s crucial for marketers to consider the image file sizes on their pages and to minify HTML. CSS, and JavaScript in the web pages.

Meta Description

A meta description is a short description that appears below the URL on a search engine results page and below a headline in a social post. It describes the content on that page but, more importantly, it’s written to help your web page stand out in the list of SERP results.

The Length of the Page

Today, the users don't get satisfied with basic information; instead, they want to be educated by reading all the possible information about a topic. The search engine, therefore, prefers lengthy pages to rank first as the longer pages can cover more aspects of your topic.


Page security is more important than ever, and enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security technology is crucial for improving your security, trustworthiness, and visibility. By enabling SSL, you increase the likelihood that a third party doesn’t come between your web server and the visitors , ensuring that information entered on the site is safe. Search engine like Google actually prefers sites that are SSL-enabled.

Internal Links

You can interlink your pages so that traffic from one page may be diverted to other pages of your website which are less clicked by the users and it also keeps visitors engaged longer.

URL Structure

A site's URL structure should be as simple as possible. URLs are constructed logically. URL structure is important for today’s marketers because it allows search engines to crawl from page-to-page on your website easily and makes navigation more efficient for visitors. URLs should contain keywords that reflect the pages they direct to, as easy-to-understand. URLs should also be relatively short, using your primary keyword for that page and not to use repeated words. URL should be less than 255 characters, and hyphens '-'should be used to separate the different parts of the URL instead of underscores (_) in your URLs.Like the URL is much more useful to us than

Mobile Friendliness

With the increase in mobile internet users, around 60% searches in Google are generated through mobile devices. So, a website, which is not mobile-friendly, maybe losing half of the potential traffic.So, we should make our website mobile friendly.

Images and Multimedia Elements

The images make your content more appealing , presentable and attractive, so add images to your content if possible. The images should not be very large as it may increase the loading time of your page.And even do not add images unnecessarily or too many as it may not create good impression.


You can create a Sitemap for your site. It helps search engines to index all pages on your website, which is a part of SEO.

Alt Text

Alt text refers to the word or phrase that can be attributed to a picture file to help ensure it gets indexed and so search engines understand what it is since they can’t see images (they only see text).

Breadcrumb navigation

It is a feature located at the top of the webpage and tells the user exactly what pages he has been on and how they have ended up where they are. This allows users to jump back to the exact point that they want.