C Language

Admission Enquiry Form


Pointer to Structure in C

What is Pointer to Structure in C?

Pointer to structure means when we declare a pointer variable of type structure, and we know that structure ia also a data type which is user defined.By using pointer to structure we can read and write the data of structure.Here we use -> (arrow operator) to access the data of structure using pointer.

Syntax to declare variable using Pointer to Structure

          struct structureName
dataType member1;
dataType member2;
dataType member3;
} *variable_name;

Another way of creating variable using Pointer to structure

struct structureName
dataType member1;
dataType member2;
dataType member3;
void main()
struct structureName *variable_name;


struct student
int rollno;
float fee;
char name[10];

void main()
struct student st;
struct    student *ptr; //pointer of structure
printf("Enter rollno ");
printf("Enter fee ");
printf("Enter name ");

printf("\nRollno is %d",ptr->rollno);
printf("\nFee is %f",ptr->fee);
}//end of main


Enter rollno 10
Enter fee 10000
Enter name sunil

Rollno is 10
Fee is 10000.000000
Name is sunil