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Variable in C

What is Variable in C ?

Variable is a name given to the memory location which is used to store the value.By default it's having garbage value.It's also having it's own unique address


Variable is a named block which is used to store the value.

How to declare a variable?

Syntax to declare a varible:

data_type variable_name;

The examples of declaring a variable is:

int age;

float salary;

char name;

Here, age,salary,name are variables and int,float and char are data types.

We can also assign the values to the variables at the time of declaration:

int num1=30;

float num2=10.25;

char ch='C';

Rules to Declare a variable

  1. Variable name should be descriptive or meaningful.
  2. We should not use space between the variable name,but we can use underscore(_) in place of space.
  3. You should not start variable name with numeric value.
  4. You should not use spacial characters in variable name,like(@,#,$,!,etc....).
  5. A variable name must not be any reserved word or keyword, e.g. int, float,char etc.

Valid Variable name are:

int num;

int num20;

int _num;

Invalid Variable name are:

int 10num; //Here, variable name begins with numeric value.

int 5; //Here, variable name is a numeric value.

int float; //Here, variable name is a keyword.

Stages of Variable

There are four stages of variable:

  1. Declaration e.g. int num;
  2. Assignment e.g. num=10;
  3. Initialisation e.g. int num=10;
  4. Accessing e.g. printf("%d",num);