C Language

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Write Integers into File in C File Handling

Write Data into File in C File Handling

Write Mode

This mode is used to open the file in write mode and this mode is denoted by ‘w’. This mode opens a new file on the disk for writing only. If the file already exists, the compiler will overwrite that file.
FILE *fptr; // declaration of file pointer
fptr= fopen(“FILE_NAME”,”w”); //opening a file in write mode only

Example to write two numbers into a file:

void main()
FILE *fptr;
int num1,num2;
printf("Enter first number ");
printf("Enter second number ");
printf("\n File could not be opened ");
fprintf(fptr,"%d %d",num1,num2);
printf("\n Data saved into the file");


Enter first number 100
Enter second number 200

Data saved into the file

Now you can see your notepad file named as compuhelp.txt into the hard-disk.It is saved into the default directory i.e. C:\COMPUHELP\c-notes