C Language

Admission Enquiry Form


Structure in C

What is Structure in C?

Structure is user defined or derived data type which can store different data types.It store the values in continuous memory locations like an array.

Syntax to declare Structure

        struct structureName
           dataType member1;
           dataType member2;
           dataType member3;

We can declare structure with keyword struct.Here, member1,member2,member3 are the data member of a structure.

Create variable of a structure

struct structureName 
    dataType member1;
    dataType member2;
    dataType member3;

Another way of creating variable of structure

struct structureName
dataType member1;
dataType member2;
dataType member3;
void main()
struct structureName variable_name;

Operators used to access the data members of a Structure

. -This is dot or period operator used to access the data members of a structure.
-> -This is arrow or indirection operator used to access the data members of a structure using pointer.


struct student
int rollno;
float fee;
char name[10];

void main()

 //struct student st;
printf("Enter rollno");
printf("Enter fee");
printf("Enter name");

 printf("\nRollno is %d",st.rollno);
printf("\nFee is %f",st.fee);
printf("\nName is %s",st.name);
}//end of main


Enter rollno 10
Enter fee 5000
Enter name compuhelp

Rollno is 10
Fee is 5000.000000
Name is compuhelp