C Language

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IDE in C Programming

What is IDE of C ?

IDE means Integrated Development Environment.IDE is the tool that provide the complete environment to the write an application or a program and help the programmers for software development.

Components of IDE are:

  1. Code Editor
  2. Compiler
  3. Loader
  4. Debugger
  5. Linker
  6. Executor

Code Editor

Code editor is also called as text editor is designed to write and manipulate the source code.


Compiler is a program that translate English like Language(i.e. Programming Language) into machine language and vice-versa.


Loader is that component of the operating system that load the necessary libraries and programs ,in the main memory (means from disk to primary memory i.e. RAM) which are required during the time of execution of a program.


Debugger is a program which helps during the debugging process of execution of a program to find the bugs or errors of a computer program , thus making it behave as originally expected.

There are two main types of errors that need debugging:

  1. Compile-time:
  2. These are the syntax errors which occurs due to wrong use of programming language.
  3. Run-time:
  4. These are also called logical errors,Which are harder to find out some time, as they cause the program to generate incorrect output or crash during execution.


A linker is a program that takes one or more object code files together which are generated by a compiler and combines them into one, executable program or produces the final executable file.


After compilation,linking and debugging there is a program named Executor which helps to run the program. Using this finally we get the result file.

IDEs used for C Programming are:

  1. Borland C++
  2. Code::Blocks
  3. Dev C++
  4. DOS-Box
  5. Turbo C++
  6. and many more......

After discussing about the IDE(Integrated Development Environment), now next we'll discuss about the files which are created during writing,compiling and execution of a program:

What is file?

A file is a technique which is used to store the data permanently on the hard disk.

Name of the Files which are created During Writing and till Execution of a Program.

After writing code on code editor our next task is to save the file. Suppose we have saved the file with name first.So, the file name will be.
  1. first.c
  2. Then after compilation next file will be:

  3. first.obj
  4. This file will be in machine language.Now the next file which is created after execuion will be:

  5. first.exe
  6. The file first.exe is a excutable file,which will finally run on the computer.This executable file is non editable file,means user can use this file but can not do changes in it.
    This file is platform dependent means it will only run on that platform(operating system) on which it is compiled.