Spoken English


Present Indefinite Tense


Present indefinite tense को simple present भी कहा जाता है | इस tense में हिन्दी वाक्यों के अन्त में ता है, ती है, ते हैंं, ता हूँ, ती हूँ, ते हो आदि आता है .

For example:

  1. मैं इंग्लिश पढ़ाती हूँ |
  2. तुम tally पढ़ते हो |
  3. वह Compuhelp जाती है |
  4. हम क्रिकेट खेलते है |
  5. Examples of Affirmative /Simple sentences


    Subject+First form of Verb+ s/es(with subject- he,she,it,any name)+Other Words.

    1. I speak English.
    2. We speak English.
    3. You read English.
    4. He writes English.
    5. She speaks English.
    6. They go to compuhelp.
    7. Sunil teaches spoken English.
    8. Shelza teaches commerce students.
    9. I drive car.
    10. I work hard.
    11. I take permission to attend course.
    12. She pays her fee.
    13. He also pays his fee.
    14. She works round the clock to achieve your goal.
    15. They help me to prepare spoken english course.
    16. I wash my clothes.
    17. I don’t wash my clothes.

Examples of Negative sentences:


Subject+do/does+not+First form of Verb+Other Words.

Use of Do:- (I,We,You,They)

Use of Does:- (He,She,It,Any name)

  1. He does not study hard for exams.
  2. I do not watch more t.v.
  3. I don’t wash my clothes.
  4. She does not cook food.
  5. They do not play cricket.
  6. He does not teach French.

Examples of Interrogative sentences:


Do/Does+Subject+First form of Verb+Other Words+?

  1. Do you not wash your clothes?
  2. Do they speak English?
  3. Do we read newspaper?
  4. Does he worship the God?
  5. Do they use instagram?
  6. Does she understand English?
  7. Do you go to institute?
  8. Does patient take medicine?
  9. Does he drink milk?