Spoken English


Use of Should

Examples of Affirmative /Simple sentences

  1. You should read English.
  2. I should go now.
  3. She should do it.
  4. We should prepare our lesson.
  5. We should obey our parents.
  6. She should follow my instructions.
  7. You should attend the meeting on time.
  8. You should switch off the mobile phone.
  9. I should be confident to speak in English.
  10. A married couple should form a union.
  11. You should stay away from bad people.
  12. Students should come here daily.
  13. We should watch good movies always.
  14. Riya should help the poor.
  15. You should be careful about your health.
  16. You should not cheat others.
  17. You should behave properly in the class room.
  18. You should take strong and quick actions.
  19. You should stop eating fast food.
  20. You should go for walk every morning.
  21. You should try to lose weight.
  22. Manish should get a haircut.
  23. You should be wearing your seat belt.
  24. He should be more careful.
  25. She should complain to the manager.
  26. I should speak in English.

  27. We should watch youtube.

  28. You should change your mind.

  29. He should pay the electricity bill.

  30. She should pay last month's fee.

  31. They should help each other.

  32. Pooja and Kiran should learn Programming.

  33. We should thank our soldiers.

  34. They should take care of themselves.

  35. You should clean utensils.

  36. You should mop the floor.

  37. You should brush your teeth daily.

  38. You should bathe daily.

  39. You should oil your hair daily.

  40. You should go to the Temple.

  41. You should go to the market.

  42. You should go to the Gurudwara.

  43. You should save money.

  44. We should respect our parents.

  45. You should mind your language.

  46. You should behave properly.

  47. We should avoid arguments.

  48. He should repeat his work.

  49. She should rethink about this

  50. You should re-consider this matter.

  51. They should not indulge in this matter.

  52. We should avoid litigation.

  53. We should respect our constitution.

  54. We should follow the traffic rules.

  55. You should wake up early in the morning.

  56. You should drink water on an empty stomach in the morning.

  57. You should make a daily schedule.

Examples of Negative sentences

  1. You should not/ shouldn't be so rude.
  2. Ram should not read newspaper daily.
  3. We should not go there.
  4. You shouldn't worry about it.
  5. You should not laugh on others.
  6. He should not disobey me.
  7. You should not tell a lie.
  8. We should not walk slowly.
  9. You should not overeat.
  10. Neha should not go to home.
  11. They should not  wait till tomorrow.
  12. You shouldn't eat that dessert if you are sick.
  13. She shouldn't buy that dress, it's too big for her.
  14. You look tired. You shouldn't work so much.
  15. He shouldn't talk to his boss like that.

Examples of Interrogative sentences

  1. Should he watch good movies always?
  2. Should we read the Bhagavat Geeta?
  3. Should we always speak the truth?
  4. Should we eat fruits?
  5. Should you consult the doctor?
  6. Should she take medicine on time?
  7. Should you apologize her?
  8. Should I go to the market?
  9. How should we serve our parents?
  10. How should we learn English?
  11. Why should I learn English?
  12. How should I speak in English?