Spoken English


What is Pronoun?

Pronoun is a word which is used in place of noun.


  1. I am reading a book.
  2. They are learning computer.
  3. Who broke this pen?
  4. This is my book.

Pronouns can be singular or plural.
They can also be categorized into first, second, and third person forms.

Pronouns According to Person Forms:

First Person
 I, me
 we, us
Second Person
Third Person
 she, her, he, him, it
 they, them

How to use Pronouns:

Examples of Nouns List

  • Person — Riya, Sunil, teacher, Mrs Sharma,women
  • Place — India, America, country, kitchen,home,Compuhelp
  • Object — pencil, chair,table, cake, ball
  • Thing — vacation, tennis, massage, green
  • Idea — beauty, friendship, peace, love

Examples of Pronouns List

  • Her, his, she, he, I, it, mine, me, you, yourself, myself, herself
  • Any, all, both, us, no one, everybody, anything, another, that, theirs, then
  • Whom, whose, which, what

Purpose of a Pronoun:

When writing or talking about a person, place, object, thing or idea, repeating the name (noun) in the sentence doesn't seem good.It seems strange.

For example:

Sunil is a teacher. Sunil always guides their students. Sunil works at Compuhelp.

No one likes such type of sentences, so then we use the Pronoun.

Sunil is a teacher.He always guides their students. He works at Compuhelp.

They make the sentence flow much better, but be careful not to use too many or things can get confusing—which is the opposite of what you're trying to achieve.

For example:

Sunil is a teacher. He works at Compuhelp near his house. It is large with a white door.

It could refer to the house or the Compuhelp. So in this case the following works better:

Sunil is a teacher. He works at Compuhelp near his house. Sunil's house is large with a white door.

What is Pronoun?