Spoken English


What is noun?

Nouns refer to as name of a person,a place,a thing,an action,quality ,or an ideas, etc.

Noun can be a/an -  

  1. Person – a name for a person: - Sunil,Anil,Shivang , etc.
  2. Animal – a name for an animal: - dog, cat, cow, kangaroo, etc.
  3. Place – a name for a place: - Chandigarh,Delhi, Canada, Mumbai, etc.
  4. Thing – a name for a thing: - bat,pen, ball, chair, table, door, house, computer, etc.
  5. Idea – A name for an idea: - thought, dream, joy, honesty, freedom, loyalty, anger, wisdom, memory, success, patience, laughter, etc.

Classification of Nouns:

  1. Countable nouns:
    1. Pen
    2. Computer
    3. Book
    4. Students etc.
  2. Uncountable nouns:
    1. Sugar,Milk,Tea etc.
    2. I like your work.
    3. Please give me some water.